Phil Bedford

I don’t build brands for a living and I haven’t spent years learning about logo design and color psychology. However, I do know a great deal about business development.
Even if you know what a brand is, you may not know how to separate your personal brand from your business identity, or what the difference is between the two.
Branding Shmanding offers a way to demystify branding once and for all, so you can leverage the true benefits of the brand for your future.

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You’re on Mute
Phil Bedford

Is your business going video first?
Are you collaborating, selling or networking more often online rather than in person?
Do you need to learn how to master your video-conferencing experiences and make sure it backs up your brand?
Then you’re in the right place.

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Seven Deadly Start-up Sins
Phil Bedford

With 20% of businesses closing within 1 year and 50% not making it to 5 years, the odds are stacked against intrepid entrepreneurs with the very best ideas, the highest qualifications and a background of success in their field.

So how do you avoid being just another statistic?



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KISS The Rebel: Unleash A Business And A Life Without Limits
Phil Bedford

You don’t need to spend a fortune building your business. KISS The Rebel is perfect for any business owner or aspiring entrepreneur.Igniting your imagination and opening your eyes to the accessible resources sitting at your fingertips. Helping you to see that the right solution or dream client is just a phone call away. Giving you practical tips on building the right relationships and advice to help you construct a sustainable business and your dream lifestyle.

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